
Women's Day Special ExtraordiNARI: Often, I'm the only woman in the room and find myself asking why doesn't the industry have enough female producers- Pragya Kapoor

March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day across the globe. It is an annual celebration of all the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. Shedding light on women's rights and gender equality, the day holds great importance in society. 

Today, as we celebrate International Women's Day, PeepingMoon spoke to Pragya Kapoor. One of the few female film producers in India, she has backed unconventional yet important films over the years. Talking to PeepingMoon, Pragya opened up about the positive changes she is witnessing in the industry and society.

Excerpts from the interview: 

What is it like to be a woman? 

It is a gift that keeps giving! I only feel more empowered as I keep discovering new facets with age. I can't put my finger on what is it that sets us apart. But I think the fact that most of us grow up in a world that constantly reminds us what we can't do makes us innately resilient. The fact that so much is expected out of a woman makes us self-taught multitaskers. They keep setting limits for us, and we're always like, "hold my coffee, darling! You're in for a surprise!" 

What makes you an ExtraordiNARI?
The mere fact that I make it look so easy! (laughs) People I work with keep asking me how do I manage to look so zen all the time when I'm always in between things. I'd lie if I say that it's never a struggle to juggle between roles, but I think the fact that I do endure it is what makes me an 'ExtraordiNARI'! 

Do you feel celebrating Women's Day has actually managed to empower women? 

Yes, because it's got such a symbolic value to cultures all across the world. We can't ask for enough opportunities that can help us initiate a dialogue. Women's day is something that unites us together because every woman across the world is progressing at a different pace, enduring her own unique challenges. What's also rewarding are the stories that emerge connecting us universally and the belongingness it evokes.

As a producer, do you feel there is still a lack of gender equality in the industry?

Of course, there is, but it's changing. There are more women emerging in all departments in the industry that barely had any women behind the camera. We have begun to take note of our shortcomings as an industry, and it's hard to turn a blind eye to such issues today. We're calling out age-old stereotypes and rising above the regressive prejudices that always held us back. It's a long journey ahead for us, and we're well on our way. 

Why aren't there many female producers in the industry? 

Not just producers but even directors, writers, composers. The ratio is skewed in every department. There's no dearth of talent in our country, and not having enough representation from women in these departments is surely telling of the systemic hurdles that go unseen. I still find myself to be the only woman in the room on many occasions and find myself asking the same question. 

What's that one message you would like to give to your female fans who look up to you for inspiration?

Keep fighting, keep dreaming! Know that you have a voice, and you can't let anything in the world suppress it. We need representation more than ever today in every area around the world. For that, it is important for our young ones to always remember to keep looking up. You got to trust the process. Be brave to scale the peaks that are awaiting you.


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