
Women’s Day Special ExtraordiNARI: Blessed to have a partner who takes a step back every time he sees me shine- Esha Gupta

March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day across the globe. It is an annual celebration of all the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. Shedding light on women's rights and gender equality, the day holds great importance in society. 

Today, as we celebrate International Women's Day, PeepingMoon spoke to Esha Gupta. She is unfiltered, bold and beautiful and this is what makes her an ExtraordiNARI! Talking to PeepingMoon, Esha spoke about gender inequality, the debate around necklines and hemlines and social media trolling.

Excerpts from the interview: 

What is it like to be a woman?

To be a woman is a blessing, knowing that God loves you enough because he not only made us all beautiful but also gave us the strength to bleed every month and still work and to be able to create life.

What makes you an ExtraordiNari? 

I believe every woman is special, whether you work 9-5 or be a housewife or a CEO of a company or a single mom. Being a woman is special. To be able to do anything with all the hormonal changes every 15 days in our body and still smiling is unbelievable.

Do you feel celebrating Women’s Day has actually managed to empower women? 

The world was created equal, but humankind decided to make up stories and change the narrative that a woman was made from a man’s rib or a distraction. The reason we have Lord Shiva in Ardhnarishvara is that even our creator is half God half woman. But the world started oppressing women and forgetting that we are the creator, so I’m glad a day like a women’s day exists to acknowledge the extraordinary power of a woman.

Despite being in a democratic country, do you find it hard to express your views on social media? 

I’m only on Instagram, not because of anything else, but the reason is lack of education and false information. 

Women are often criticized for the lengths of their necklines and hemlines. What’s your opinion on this? 

It’s the mentality. You won’t see this issue in Europe or the west because women have more equality there and are not judged for their bodies.


Despite much awareness and initiatives, do you feel there is still a lack of gender equality in the industry? 

The lack of gender equality exists everywhere, in our country and industry more so because of education and acceptance. Hopefully, things will change for the better soon.

Due to the rise in social media usage, women are often shamed- (slut, body and age). What do you have to say about this? 

Again, it’s the education and exposure. A man’s body is appreciated when they go shirtless on screens every time, but a woman is called names. They can’t handle when a woman is comfortable in her own skin, and that is the ego problem around the world. Even women say things to women because of insecurity. 

Men can’t tolerate strong women- myth or fact? 

It is a fact about a weaker egoistic man and a myth about a strong confident man. I’m blessed to have a father who always supported us and stands behind us with a proud smile, and have a partner who takes a step back every time he sees me shine. 

What’s that one message you would like to give to your female fans who look up to you for inspiration? 

Just be yourself, make your decisions and do what you want, and don't think about “log kya kahenge”.


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