
Women’s Day Special ExtraordiNARI: Stop being scared of people’s opinions, they will not put food on your plate- Shamita Shetty

March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day across the globe. It is an annual celebration of all the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. Shedding light on women's rights and gender equality, the day holds great importance in society. 

Today, as we celebrate International Women's Day, PeepingMoon spoke to Shamita Shetty. Surviving in a male-dominated industry is no mean feat, but Shamita is making it look effortless. The actress won the hearts of millions with her beauty, maturity, ability to call spade a spade and find solutions to problems instead of identifying the loopholes and grey areas. Talking to PeepingMoon, Shamita shared a message for all her beautiful female fans.

Excerpts from the interview:

What makes you an ExtraordiNari? 

I believe every woman is an ExtraordiNari and unique. I am an independent woman who has a voice, speaks her mind and is kind (laughs). I don’t know what makes me ExtraordiNari, but I am content with my life and who I am. I get that I am also flawed and not perfect but I am also someone who works on those flaws. There are people who believe that they cannot make any mistakes and are rigid with their ways. Yes, I am rigid too in certain ways but I am open to the fact that I can also bring about a better change in me. That’s what life is all about- accepting changes and striving to be a better human being always.       

Do you feel celebrating Women’s Day has actually managed to empower women? 

I feel every day is Women’s Day. I don’t think we ever need a day to express how fantastic we are or make people realise how special we are. Every day, every woman should celebrate being a woman.   

Despite being in a democratic country, do you find it hard to express your views on social media?

I am someone who expresses views whether or not people like it. It is how I feel and I express it. Right or wrong, I express it. Yes, it does get difficult sometimes because we live in a judgemental and hypocritical society. People do come down hard on us for expressing ourselves in a certain way but that doesn’t stop me from expressing myself. 

Women are often criticized for the lengths of their necklines and hemlines....

All those who have the time to sit and criticise women for their necklines and hemlines should get a life. 

Despite much awareness and initiatives, do you feel there is still a lack of gender equality in the industry?

I’d be stupid to say no but I would also want to acknowledge the fact that times are changing now and people are a lot more aware of what they say to women in society. This is a positive change but we still have a long way to go and are moving in the right direction.    

Due to the rise in social media usage, women are often age/body/slut shamed...

It is actually sad and I did face a bit of age-shaming. We live in a judgemental and hypocritical society and that cannot deter you from being the person you are. You should be clear about the direction you want to take in life. Stop being scared of people’s opinions, they are not those who put food on your plate. At the end of the day, what your family members and loved ones think about you should matter. As I said, we are unique in our own ways. Be comfortable in your own skin. But yes, do something that puts out a positive message and brings across a positive change.     

Men can’t tolerate strong women- myth or fact?

It isn’t right to generalise but some men probably cannot tolerate strong women. The kind of men I have around me are secure. My father was one man in a house with three women and never did he try to clip our wings. 

What’s that one message you would like to give to your female fans who look up to you for inspiration?

Be yourself and know who you are. It takes time to discover who we are and be comfortable with that. Stop changing yourself for other people, do what makes you happy. Don’t intentionally hurt people, do what’s inspirational, something that can bring about a change. Spread love and positivity as we women have that in abundance. 





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