
Women’s Day Special ExtraordiNARI: Male superstars refuse to do female-led films, they are intimidated to play second fiddle- Isha Koppikar Narang 

International Women's Day is an annual celebration of the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women across the globe. Celebrated on March 8 each year, the day attempts to shed light on women's rights and gender equality.

As International Women's Day is around the corner, PeepingMoon spoke to Isha Koppikar Narang, who has been a successful actress and now a loving and protective mother too. Talking to us about celebrating the day, the actress opened up about what it is like to be born as a woman and does celebrating International Women's Day help in empowering women in reality. Isha further spoke about gender inequality in society and the entertainment industry.

 Excerpts from the interview:

What is it like to be born as a woman? 

I feel women are very powerful because they are blessed with the virtue of creating a new life. That's in itself a profound virtue. I don’t think anyone else can multi-task like a woman and perform so many duties at which they are adept.      

Do you feel celebrating International Women’s Day annually helped in empowering women across the world?

I don't think women can be empowered in a day or by celebrating her just once in a year. Over a period of time, women have become vocal.

Despite being in a democratic country, do you find it hard to express your views on social media?

As a celebrity, you come with some responsibility. There are people who love you, idolise you, follow you. Whenever you express yourself, you have to frame it in such a way that it doesn't hurt other people's sentiments. You have to be sensitive. Having said that, we are not like ice cream, not here to please everyone. But there will be some people who will not have similar opinions. The idea should not be to hurt but to educate.     

Women are often criticized for the lengths of their necklines and hemlines....

I feel there is an appropriate time and place for everything. Of course, you can wear your plunging necklines, short dresses but you should also be aware of your surroundings and what kind of people will be around you. You need to be sensible, you cannot always be in that rebellious mood to prove that you are a feminist or a strong woman. 

Do you feel there is still a lack of gender equality in Bollywood?

Yes, there is gender inequality in Bollywood. The kind of accolades, remuneration and platform that the male gender gets, the female gender is still deprived of it. I don’t think it's just Bollywood. You can see the discrimination everywhere as it’s quite visible. Most often, producers and directors envision their films with a male superstar. But if a female superstar is the lead, many A-list heroes refuse to do it. They are intimidated to play second fiddle. 

Men don't admire strong women- myth or fact

I can say that they are definitely intimidated. While they show they are okay with strong women, somewhere in their heads, they are not.

There was a time when married women were not considered for meatier roles. Is it finally changing now?

Yes, finally it is but we are nowhere closer to Hollywood. 





PeepingMoon Exclusive