
Women’s Day Special ExtraordiNARI: People passing judgements on a woman’s clothing should hang their heads in shame-Sayani Gupta

International Women's Day is an annual celebration of the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women across the globe. Celebrated on March 8 each year, the day attempts to shed light on women's rights and gender equality.

As International Women's Day is around the corner, PeepingMoon spoke to Sayani Gupta. Talking to us about celebrating the day, the actress opened up about what it is like to be born as a woman and whether celebrating International Women's Day is playing a catalyst in empowering women in reality. Sayani further addressed gender inequality in society and the entertainment industry.

 Excerpts from the interview:

What is it like to be a woman?

Fabulous, I wouldn’t want to be born as anything else but a woman. I love the fact that I am a woman. I feel women are in sync with nature. We have the capacity to give birth, which is a different kind of experience. It is a different power to create life. Women and people from the queer community can sense things differently.    

Do you feel celebrating International Women’s Day annually helped in empowering women across the world?

Not really but it is good to have a reminder once a year. It is all about what you do as an individual. It is about the choices you make every day and the respect you show. This ultimately decides whether the position of women has changed in society and it clearly hasn’t. It is still a long long way to go and I am not sure whether it will ever happen entirely. We are in such deep-root patriarchy, not just perpetrated by men but women themselves. It’s just too ingrained in the social fabric.  

Despite being in a democratic country, do you find it hard to express your views on social media?

It is getting harder by the day. I try to express as much as I can but most of the things I want to tell I cannot. It’s scary.

Women are often criticized for the lengths of their necklines and hemlines..

It’s bullshit. With this entire conversation around hijabs, it is despicable to even think that men will be sitting somewhere passing judgements on a woman’s clothing and what choices she has to make in terms of clothing. Be it the necklines, hemlines, hijab, dress or whatever, it is none of their business. They should hang their heads in shame.    

Do you feel there is still a lack of gender equality in the industry and society?

You cannot talk about the industry in isolation because there is no industry as such, we are people at an individual level and nobody has put us inside four walls. It is not a regimentation. There are no different rules followed inside the industry. There is discrimination everywhere; inside our homes, on the streets, inside our bedrooms, workplaces- be it corporate, medical field or in films. Everywhere a woman has to fight harder each day and work harder to be able to go where it is way easier for a man to go. When a woman climbs the professional ladder, the first thing she is still told is she is doing favours to people and why is she doing well in life. There is discrimination in everything when you look at a man and a woman. In spite of all the woke things people say on social media, it’s not just one industry’s thing.  

Men can’t deal with strong women- myth or fact?

They do find it tough to deal with a strong woman. Even now, if a woman is keeping her point across, she is tagged as ‘difficult’ whereas if the same thing is said by a man, he is called 'intelligent'. 

What’s that one message you would like to give to your female fans who look up to you for inspiration?

It is touching when my female fans write to me on social media. Recently, a woman wrote to me about how I have inspired her. It is incredible that the choices that I made ( I have never done them to prove a point, but of the sheer belief I have in myself) have inspired people. It is validating for me. Irrespective of gender, I believe one must do what they feel is right and not what other people are saying. When you enter a room, enter with your head held high. Even if are in need of work, never look desperate. Having that dignity and self-worth is very important. Every individual, every girl on this planet needs to be financially independent. A lot of things seem better when you are not dependent on someone, be it your parents, husband, partner or whoever it is. 





PeepingMoon Exclusive