Sidharth Shukla's and Shehnaaz Gill's music video titled Shona Shona released on social media yesterday and gave a delightful surprise to fans. The video broke all records and is trending at number 1 position. While SidNaaz fans can't enough of their chemistry and the beauty of Shona Shona, a Twitter user has accused the makers of plagiarism. According to the user, Shona Shona's directors Agam Mann and Azeem Mann have copied multiple scenes from a Japanese group named IZ*ONE's music video titled Beware and B1A4's Like A Movie. Beware released on Oct 6, 2020, while B1A4's Like A Movie released on Oct 19, 2020.
The Twitter user, in a series of tweets, brought the similarities out in the public. After sharing several pictures from the three music videos, the user wrote, "i looked into legal laws about this, and i’m not sure if legal action can be taken. however, still profiting off a clearly stolen idea and not giving credit is not smth to be praised. the lack of creativity is astounding."
this guy also copied B1A4’s MV scene for scene look at this shit
— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 25, 2020
@staff_izone How is this okay? This is literally the same! They stole the ideas from izone's beware MV!
— c (@joyulmin) November 25, 2020
— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 25, 2020
like cmon now
— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 25, 2020
beware: 7.6m released oct. 6
like a movie: 11.4m release oct. 19
shona shona: 9.6m released nov. 24smth isn’t adding up
— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 25, 2020
do b1a4 fans have a report acc?? the wizone report acc is restricted and we need someone to come up with an email template for both companies so we can mass email them. please dm me if you can make one mf i’m desperate please i’m on my knees
— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 26, 2020
i looked into legal laws about this, and i’m not sure if legal action can be taken. however, still profiting off a clearly stolen idea and not giving credit is not smth to be praised. the lack of creativity is astounding.
— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 26, 2020
Taking the matter ahead, a letter was drafted by social media users that read, "It has come to our attention that Indian Directors in the names of ‘Agam Mann’ & ‘Azeem Mann’ has plagiarized IZ*ONE Beware MV in their recently released music video titled “Shona Shona”. They plagiarized beware MV and are claiming credits for it. Please look into this and take action as soon as possible."
here’s a template but it’s all in english for now :/ also please include the pictures above when emailing wm, and make sure to include your own sentences in order to not be marked as spam !!— vivi (@CATGIRLYUR1) November 26, 2020
The makers of Shona Shona are yet to issue a statement regarding this.
(Source: Twitter)